Sunday, May 17, 2009

First Post Ever!!!

And a good way to start off would probably be by mentioning that I am slightly clumsy. One could even say, perhaps, more clumsy than the average person. A good example would be what happened today...

Today I went swimming. While racing my friend across the pool I swam full speed into the wall of the pool. This is what happened:

Impressive, I know. Let us all regale in that wonder that is I. Mind you, I have no idea HOW I managed to scrape that portion of my nose. Now of course, I have to go into work tomorrow and my face is much more red than in the picture. I tried to think of some cool stories I could tell at work about what happened. Vigilante justice, runaway stroller, breaking up illegal dogfights...these are just a few of the gems I came up with. My husband offered to take the wrap saying I could tell the girls at work he beat me but I don't think they'd believe me. * So I guess the truth will have to do. Or maybe I could tell them about how I was helping finishing up on the house mansion I've been building (you know, on the weekends) and all of a sudden this rogue nail gun starts firing like crazy and I dodge all these flying nails and manage to get control of it before anyone is injured but as I’m pulling the plug for the extension cord out of the wall it whips up and hits me in the nose/forehead. Internets...I think we have our winner!

*Does this look like a person who would hit someone?! I think not!

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